How Acupuncture can help
Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatments on offer in the UK for a wide range of conditions, both as a stand-alone treatment and/or in combination with conventional Western medicine. It is a tried and tested system of traditional medicine that originated in China and the Far East over 2,000 years ago to restore, promote and maintain good health and, as such, is one of the longest-established forms of healthcare in the world. It works because the focus is on you as an individual and not your illness alone and where your symptoms are seen in relation to each other rather than in isolation - quite different from conventional medicine. It aims to enhance well-being in a holistic way with Acupuncture points chosen to bring your energy into better balance and stimulate your body's own responses to promote healing. In short, it is a natural way to feel good!
If you have any queries that are not covered in my FAQ section, please get in contact with me here
How Tui Na can help
Tui Na ( pronounced ‘twee-naa’) is an ancient therapeutic form of massage based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The patient remains fully clothed and the practitioner uses a variety of techniques to work with the body on a deeper energetic level. It can work equally well as a stand-alone treatment or together with acupuncture. Further information is available in my FAQ section, which can be accessed here
How Reiki can help
Reiki is a healing technique which activates natural healing energy to restore physical and emotional well-being. It is deeply relaxing and can both complement and enhance Acupuncture treatment as it works on restoring balance and smoothing channels of energy. Further information is available in my FAQ section, which can be accessed here